Thursday, July 9, 2015

Meet Kacey & Her Birth Story

She's here! Kacey K Hill was born July 1, at 1:37 am. She weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz., and was 20 inches long. Apparently I run an efficient baby factory because all 3 girls were the same size at birth. Hailey was 7 lbs. 15 oz., 19.5 inches long, and Keira was 8 lbs. and 20 inches long.


To preface this, I had originally wanted to attempt another natural birth. I had Keira naturally, though not intentionally. In comparison to Hailey and Keira's births I much preferred the un-medicated delivery. It was way more painful, but I felt pretty fantastic afterwards, or at least as fantastic as you can after having a baby. So, for this birth I had intended to labor at home for as long as possible where I would be comfortable and free to move around. Then head to the hospital when the contractions became intense and then deliver an hour or two later. Unfortunately, it didn't happen that way. Of course. Not that the delivery was terrible, but it just didn't go according to my plan.

I hit my due date on Tuesday, June 30. (Well, my supposed due date, according to the hospital I was due the next day, the day Kacey was born.) Hailey and Keira both arrived two and three days before they were due. I was expecting/hoping Kacey would do the same. When I hit that due date I was feeling a bit depressed. Why hadn't she come yet? I hadn't ever made it to 40 weeks. Not that it's a big deal, I wasn't way over, but I was of course anxious to meet our baby girl and put pregnancy behind me. I was so done with being pregnant. I had reached the point of uncomfortable and just wanted to move on with life.

That morning I tried to do a little bit of some exercise, walking up and down the stairs at home, and doing a few squats in an attempt to coax her to come. The weather has been so hot it just isn't comfortable to be out walking in it, otherwise I would have been walking all over town. Instead, the girls and I spent the day with my mom, just hanging out and relaxing. A bit before 5:00 pm my mom dropped us off at our house and I began working on dinner. While dinner was heating, I sat down for a few minutes to rest. When I went to stand up I felt a small leak of fluid. I immediately used the bathroom, but the fluid continued to trickle out. I found Kyle and I told him I thought I was leaking fluid, so we quickly ate dinner, I called my mom, packed a quick hospital bag (yes, I know... I never could bring myself to do it sooner), and we loaded everyone up the car. We dropped the girls off at my parents house and Kyle and I headed to the hospital. At this point I had yet to have a single contraction. By the time we got to the hospital my shorts were noticeably wet. Not soaked, but definitely wet. 

We checked in at about 6:30 pm, where I was stuck in a bed and hooked up to machines. The nurse tested me for amniotic fluid and checked my cervix. When she checked my cervix my water completely broke and we knew for sure we were in for a long night. We were definitely there to stay. Because I wasn't contracting, unfortunately for me that meant I needed to be put on pitocin to induce labor. Which of course I really didn't want to do, especially since I was hoping to avoid an epidural. But, with my water broken, I needed to deliver to avoid infection. I was put on a low dose of pitocin and chose to try to ride it out without an epidural as long as I could. I made it about 3 or 4 hours before the contractions became intense. At the time we arrived to the hospital I was only 2 or 3 cm dilated. When the contractions became super painful I asked the nurse to check me again. I was only 4 cm. Gah! That pitocin stuff is brutal. The thought of a full night of crazy intense contractions, only to get more painful, and 6 cm to go convinced me to cave in to the epidural. Once I was on the epidural the dosage of pitocin was increased and things began to move quickly. After 2 hours with the epidural I began to feel a lot of pressure. No pain of course (which admittedly was nice), but lots and lots of pressure. I hadn't been paying attention to the computer monitoring the contractions. If I had I may have realized sooner how close I was to delivering. The nurse checked me and immediately told me not to move or sneeze. She dashed off to call the doctor. I was completely dilated. Luckily the epidural helped calm the urge to push and I was able to wait it out until the doctor arrived a little while later. As soon as he showed up he had me push 3 times and there was Kacey. 

Overall the birth was quick. My water broke just after 5:00 pm and she was born the next morning at 1:37 am. Kyle and I were a bit stunned to be spending that night in the hospital. It came on so quick, since my water broke. I think it really took a few days for everything to sink in for us. 

The girls stayed with my parents while I was in the hospital. My mom brought the girls in to meet their sister. Keira was instantly interested in Kacey. She was so excited to meet and hold her baby sister. When Keira first saw me with my belly still large (this was only 9 hours or so after Kacey was born) after commenting that baby sister came out of my tummy, she asked me if I had another baby in my tummy. Leave it to kids to state the obvious. :) 

Hailey was a bit more timid. She was the same way when Keira was born. I think the hospital made her feel uncomfortable. She didn't want to go look at Kacey or hold her. She only wanted to color the coloring book the girls were given when they were admitted into the maternity ward. Eventually we were able to coax her away from her coloring for a few minutes so she could meet her sister.

Not to worry though, since being home it didn't take too long for Hailey to feel comfortable helping out with her sister. She even was able to feed her once. When my milk first came in I felt like I was about to burst, so I pumped a few ounces to relieve the pain. I let Hailey use that milk to give Kacey a bottle, which happily Kacey took to quickly.

Kacey's birth actually came at the perfect time. She was born Wednesday morning. Kyle's parents flew into town for the 4th of July on Thursday morning. They were able to come see her in the hospital just before we were discharged to go home. Kyle took Wednesday and Thursday off, and then already had Friday off for the holiday, so he was able to enjoy a nice long weekend with his family. It was pretty perfect.

And now here we are, a family of 5. (Please excuse Keira's wild hair. She's 2. Need I say more?) 

Welcome to the world Kacey K! (In case you are wondering, K is Kyle's middle name. Yes, just the letter K.)


  1. Way to go, Renae! It stinks when things don't go according to plan, but such is life, I guess. I'm glad it was pretty quick! And hopefully your recovery is going well! Wish I could be there to help you out or being a meal. Congrats!!

  2. Yay! She's so precious. Congratulations! I'm glad she's here and that everything went well and that everyone seems to be adjusting. Isn't that how things go though? We have a plan all laid out and it's a good one too but things get exciting in a whole other way. Ha! Wish I could come over for some snuggles and to help out a bit.



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