Tuesday, August 5, 2008

No more sideburns...

Kyle and I have recently been made primary teachers. We teach the 11 and 12 year olds. They are a handful. One Sunday we told the girls they could come over and cut Kyle's hair, so long as they behaved. They acted better, so we had them over this past Saturday to cut Kyle's hair. He usually buzzes his head, so it really wasn't a big deal to him. They couldn't really ruin it...

I took pictures and laughed while they girls hacked away at Kyle's hair. I went inside to print out a sheet of prints for the girls to take home. While I was inside Kyle came inside and pointed at his sideburns and said "look what they did", with the girls standing behind him giggling. They totally cut off his sideburns. They said they wanted to cut his sideburns, but he said ok, and showed them how much they could take off (just a little bit). They didn't listen and completely cut them off. Not only did they cut them off, but one was cut slightly higher than the other and crooked. He was so upset with them... it was so funny. Here are some pictures:

No more sideburns...

On Saturday, we also went to DI with a friend and Kyle found this super sweet tie there.

My parents were town and my mom and I did what we do best together... we went shopping. I came home with this super cute skirt.

It was a good week/weekend...

1 comment:

  1. That is hilarious! Never trust the 11/12 year olds! When I was in that class my teacher had to leave us alone in sharing time and we told her we would only be good if she kissed our feet first...she did...and we were not. Horrible! Anyway..yeah Crackima...is kind of different. There is really nothing to do here...we are trying to think of something fun to do in the area for our 1 year. Any ideas? haha



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