Saturday, April 28, 2012

04.28.12- Daddy-Daughter Date

04.28.12_touch upWaiting to be picked up for her date.

Our ward had a daddy-daughter activity tonight. Kyle took Hailey and she was so excited to go! She kept saying, “I go date! Not mom…” The ward was borrowing our projector, so Kyle went early to help set it up. Hailey and I were waiting for him to come back home and pick her up.

The invitation said to dress like a princess. Kyle and I aren’t fans of princess obsession. Hailey doesn’t have anything princess, besides the princesses on her pull ups and a couple of movies. But… I still thought it would be fun for Hailey to dress up a little bit. Or at least look nice. I think she looks pretty cute.

So, what am I doing with my time alone? Here I sit, blogging. And now I think I’ll get up and clean up after dinner. Totally lame, I know. I get a night to myself and have zero plans. Oh well.


  1. Awe she looks really cute. What a fun idea.

  2. I think I might puke if Libby got an invitation that said to dress like a princess. People sometimes tell Libby she has a princess wave and I'm She doesn't. She doesn't even know what a princess is and I'm fine with keeping it that way. :) Hailey looks really cute in her polka dot dress. Looks like y'all must have had some warm weather!

    1. Glad we're not the only anti-princess parents out there. :)

  3. I like how you and Kyle aren't into the princess obsession. I'm not either. When I have kids, I don't want them to be obsessed with princesses. She looks so cute in that dress. :)



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