Tuesday, January 6, 2015

2014 Recap and My One Little Word for 2015

Happy New Year! 2014 flew by and somehow it is already 2015. So hard to believe! Overall 2014 treated us pretty well. We're all healthy and happy, that says something, right?

Here is our year in pictures:

Weekly trips to Lagoon (here & here)

 Running through a spring time wonderland

 Hailey finished up her first year of preschool

 My baby sister got married- the wedding prep kept me fairly busy for the few months leading up to it

We made mozzarella cheese with Curtis and Chelsea

 We tore up our backyard, brought in topsoil and leveled it out

 Kyle and I went bowfishing for carp at Utah Lake

 Kyle busted out a new deck on the back of the house

 We laid we new sod!

 Hailey conquered her fear of the diving board and deep end

 We all had a blast spending a week in Washington pool side

Kyle and I left our 20's behind.

 I took the girls to explore nature around us

 Hailey and Keira were Batgirl and Robin for Halloween

 Hailey turned 5 and had a Batgirl birthday party

We spent Thanksgiving in Colorado with Kyle's family

On to 2015.

I love the beginning of a new year. It's a new start, which always feels refreshing. Every year I fail to set goals for myself. Maybe it's because I'm afraid I won't accomplish them, or maybe I'm afraid of being held accountable for something- or maybe both. I would like to make this year even better and try to improve myself. I've thought about setting some specific hard goals, but I can't commit. Instead, have you heard of the idea of choosing One Little Word to focus on? I've seen it all around bloggy land and I love the idea. Instead of demanding specific things out of myself (which is a good idea, just not for me) I have chosen to focus my year on one little word:


This is something I feel strongly I need to work on. I always thought I was a patient person, until I had children, and until life became busy and sometimes complicated. It's easier to be patient when all you have think of is yourself, right? I want to be more patient with my children, so much more patient with them. I want to be patient with my house, it isn't how I want it to be, and it might not ever be that way, but with time we can transform it. I want to be patient with myself and work on improving my time management, my physical health (maybe I should try better to excerise...),and my spiritual health. I want to be patient with earning my own source of income, this totally falls under time management, but also having the patience to see the fruits of my labors blossom (which I totally have yet to even begin on, but I dream every year of running a small home business to give me something to do for myself and also a way to add income to our family).

This is my goal for 2015: to be more patient. Wish me luck!

Have you thought about it? What is your one little word?


  1. As a faithful blog follower, I am proud to say I remember 2014's events too! Haha I think patience is a great mantra for the year. Nothing awesome ever happened all at once, right? It takes time and consistency and patience. Best wishes on your little business! I hope it comes to fruition. I know I've really enjoyed having a little extra income to support my own photography obsession.

  2. You've motivated me to think of a word. I could and should work on my patience but my word is going to be STRENGTH. I'll write a blog about what that means soon. So many things I could be stronger at. Thanks for being awesome and inspirational.



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